35th MUNDUS VINI – Grand International Wine Award has been one of the most important, state-recognized wine competitions in the world for 20 years and offers excellent wines an international stage. …
Posts tagged as “#mundusvini”
Võitluse tulemused on siin! 20-25. veebruaril 2024 toimus Neustadtis (Pfalz) Mundus Vini Grand International Wine Award.Kuue degusteerimispäeva jooksul maitses 268 kohtunikku 55 erinevast riigist 7’430 veini, mis pärinesid 45 veinikasvatuse…
For the second time, wine professionals from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia and Latvia gather in Oslo from June 20-21, tasting and judging more than 300 German wines – from…
Kuus tihedat tööpäeva (lisaks kuus õhtut ja ööd, kust ka veinid ei puudunud). 7’568 veini pärinesid 45-st riigist. Veine hindasid 242 veiniekperti 46 riigist. Pooled ekspertidest osalesid poole ajast ehk…
MUNDUS VINI summer tasting awards great wine qualities The wines awarded at the 31st Grand International Wine Award MUNDUS VINI, which were blind tasted and professionally evaluated by a 130-member…